The impression when seeing a fire performance for the first time.

Heat, sound and power. We could not forget a figure to handle the fire and have been charmed with the world of fire.

The feeling to fill our hearts when we hold a fire in your hands. The fun to handle a fire more than words can say.

We want to share these feelings with everybody. That is why we start up this event.

This event is a fire performance festival where fire lovers will get together from all over Japan and the world.

We hope we will compile our desire into this festival, "EN" and make it up.

Now, let's play with fire, speak to fire and dance with fire!!

EN Fire Festival 2010

September 18~20, 2010 @Tamagawa camp village

Tamagawa camp village

     キャンプ場|釣り堀|山梨県|玉川キャンプ村・・・・・・Tamagawa camp village WEBSite

ACCESS Details




  • Advance Pass  ¥5,500  *Advance pass will be available for who apply and pay till 13th of September
  • Regular Pass  ¥7,000 
  • Free entrance for kids under 15
  • Parking Fee  ¥1,000   
    *Parking fee will be charged at parkingOutdoor hot spring  ¥500 / per

To the ticket application form

  • About food
    Food will be available to buy in food booths in the festival place.
    Also feel free to bring your own food.
    We encourage bring of your own plate to save the earth's environment.
  • Accomodation
    Bring your own tent.Campsite aveilable.
  • Booth operation
    En Fire Festival seeks venders.
    For further informatiion please contact to en
  • In case of bad weather
    Please note that the festival can be cancelled due to worse weather difficulties suck as rainstorm and typhoon etc..

The festival will be held rain or shine. Please note that there is no ticket payback in case of disaster suck as earthquake and typoon etc.
・You are not allowed to bring your own fuel. We supply fuel for fire performance in the festival place.
・Fire performer who use fire in this festival should take the lecture of fire safety we hold during the festival.
・There is no garbage box aveilable in the festival place. Please take your own garbage home.
・We may make leave the people who disturb the festival and against the instruction of staff.
・The Festival organizers,campsite manager and performers accept no responsibility for stolen or damaged property, or accident or injury in the festival place, parking and neighbourin area of the festival.


  • Opening Fire Celemony
    All festival perticipants will make single fire performance together in this opening act. Multiple fire get togeter to alive the festival from the biginning!
  • Fire Show
    Guest show of top teams and performers in the world. Not only domestic artists, but also we invited foreign artists.
  • Workshops
    Please note that the festival can be cancelled due to worse weather difficulties suck as rainstorm and typhoon etc..
  • 1000-nin poi
    All of perticipants of 1000-nin poi swing poi under the guidance of Nori, who is the En organizer and team leader of the fire performance team"Fire Bandit" Beginners are welcome.Don't worry about your poi skill. 1000-nin poi routine will up to You tube site, and also Nori's 1000-nin poi routine workshop during the festival. Happy poi dancing!
  • Erotic Fire Garden
    Last year, this progrum got enormous fame, even some said it was better than nomal contest project. Rated under 18! No video, no photographing, no recording! Dream(nightmear!?) contest of the thema of "eroticizm".
  • 100-nin contact
    The miracle contact juggler , whom performance movie achieve You Tube 1000,000 hit last year, Okotanpe's project. The consept is "100 people enjoy contact boll" Let's feel infinit pleasure of contact ball world, rolling and playing with contact balls!
  • Poi stoll skill contest
    Contest of stoll skill, which is poi tecnique of stop the swinging poi.
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